JULY 30 FROM 5-6:15 PM PT (8-9:15 PM ET) |
Reparation Generation seeks to create a more perfect union that benefits every American. We invite you to gather with others from around the country in this spirit at our monthly Virtual House Meetings. At our house meetings we share our “reparations in action” approach and how it advances the broader reparation movement. You’ll hear from participants about why they joined Reparation Generation and about ways you can participate. |
Our next Virtual House Meeting is July 30 from 5-6:15 pm PT (8-9:15 pm ET). We’ll be lifting up Restorative Genealogy with guests Lotte Lieb Dula, founder of Reparations4slavery.com, and Kellie Farrish, RepGen Board Member and Professional Genealogist. Discover the power of mapping your own family history through a reparative lens. |
Feel free to share this email with family, colleagues and/or friends who might be reparations curious. |
We look forward to seeing you at one or more of our Virtual House Meetings. Register now and join the conversation. A Zoom link will be provided the morning of the gathering.
Imagining a Future of Repair and Healing |
Dear Friends,
We hope this letter finds you well and filled with the warmth of the season.
As we close 2023. we look back at the tremendous accomplishments of our volunteer, citizen-led efforts, and proudly share with you our first Impact Report. This report highlights Rep Gen’s key accomplishments, lessons learned, and plans for the future. You can also request a hard copy of the report at info@reparationgeneration.com. |
Our learnings and future direction reflect the care and encouragement of so many people, like you, who guided our way. Your interest and financial backing have been instrumental in bringing a vision to life, creating impactful pilot programs, engaging in community building, and producing effective communications. Thanks for all the ways you support Reparation Generation.
Today, with your support, we are not just imagining, but demonstrating Reparations in Action.
Now, we stand at the threshold of the next Rep Gen chapter, and we are eager to move our mission forward, execute our strategic plan and understand the impacts of reparative action. However, to fully realize our potential, we need ongoing financial support.
In August we set a goal to raise $ 300,000 to establish the organizational capacity and staffing. Over the last months we have received many small and large contributions and now we are just $30,000 short of our goal!
Now, more than ever, is the time to make a difference. If you recently made a contribution, thank you! For those still able, please contribute today. Your financial support may be all that is needed to get us over the hump and reach our goal, and this goal will help ensure that the next round of reparative transfers begin in Spring 2024 are successful.”
This next year will bring increased impact and greater learning. Together we shape the possibility of a brighter future for all. Because, together we are the Reparation Generation!
In gratitude,
Kiko Davis-Snoddy & David Mayer Reparation Generation Co-Chairs
P.S. We’ve raised 90% of our goal, please give today to help us reach the last 10%! |
We invite you to watch our newest video, Reparations in Action. This, video showcases the progress we’ve made and our plans for the upcoming period. |
Like what we are doing? Please share our information. Forward this message Post on your social, tell your family and friends. |
Reparation Generation is a national organization providing direct reparative transfers to Black Americans for wealth-building pursuits.
Contact us for more information or to sign-up for our newsletter. |